Saturday, September 24, 2011

Summer 2011 :: Blue-Green and Dark-Light Frames

Happy happy birthday to our godson Henry! We made a black-backed quilt for his 2nd birthday for enjoying picnics in the park with his mom and dad. I've always used black as the primary color for my quilt backs for two reasons:
  1. I want to make fun quilts for people without them feeling like I am trying to make THE baby quilt for them.
  2. I want people to USE these quilts and enjoy them, and outdoor use is particularly great--and the black back prevents icky grass stains :)
I used a vinyl heat transfer to apply a little message on the back of the quilt.

Spring 2011 :: Bright Pink Diagonals

This diversely colorful quilt is one of the most wild ones that I've done so far! The teeny pink squares line up in diagonal stripes across the quilt. Simon enjoyed giving this one a test run before I finished it with the mostly black back with little sushi nibbles.

Spring 2010 :: Blue-Green and Orange-Yellow Log Cabin Quilt

This was another quilt where I used a lot of little pieces of a lot of different fabrics! Part of the fun was looking through all of my old fabrics, cutting little rectangles, and stacking them into 'random' little piles. This was probably my favorite quilt to date--I loved the mix of colors and the diagonal stripes.

Winter 2010 :: Baby Comforter

One of our smallest projects yet, but it is SO cute! I think that he likes it!

Summer 2009 :: Crib Bumper and Skirt

This was something new for us--instead of a baby quilt for our dear friends' baby, we made bumpers and a reversible skirt for his new crib.

Fall 2008 :: Blue-Green and Gray Monkey Wrench Quilt

This was a great team project with Scott. The pattern of spirals is composed of a series of ever-increasing triangles. This pattern looks very cool when done in a pair of colors - the spirals look very cool as their arms interlock. Our version is a little bit too complicated looking though, with so many colors...but we still loved it as a baby shower present for our friends.

Summer 2008 :: Squares of Pink

This quilt was an early foray into lots of mixed bits of leftover fabrics - something that I've been doing a lot since!

Spring 2008 :: Corner Points Baby Quilt

This was a present for a friend's new baby. Pairs of rectangles form points from the corners towards the center of this simple quilt.

Summer 2007 :: Black and White Log Cabin

During a summer house-sitting gig after I graduated, I collected some interesting black and white fabrics and made my first log cabin quilt. I wanted to make something with a lot of pieces so that i could slow myself down a bit and enjoy the process. I really love the color effects that you can get with the simple geometry of this pattern.

Winter 2007 :: The Quilting Saga Begins

I took a course in Winter 2007 (during my last year at Stanford) that required each of us to choose a 'term project' to change something specific about our own lives. I chose to push myself to sew a quilt while I was taking a very challenging ME course.

Fortunately, Scott and I had a friend that had recently had a baby, so I got to make a quilt for her! I've always loved working on design and craft projects, and it is always more fun to make things FOR someone specific. It felt so good to finish this quilt, and it was the starting point for me to start working on more quilts and projects like this one.

When our friends had their second baby, he got to enjoy the quilt too!